Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Underground Storage Tanks |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance, Water |
This glossary is from an EPA report titled "Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide For Regulators" (EPA 510-B-97-001) March 1997. The expedited site assessment (ESA) process is a framework for rapidly characterizing underground storage tank (UST) site conditions for corrective action decisions. This concept has been described with other names including: accelerated site characterization, rapid site characterization, and expedited site investigation.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Underground Storage Tanks |
Chemicals/Toxics/Pesticides, Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Glossary of relevant terms for recovery of free product below the ground surface. This glossary is from an EPA report title "How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Sites: A Guide for State Regulators" (EPA 510-R-96-001).
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Solid Waste |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Policy & Guidance, Sustainability & Green Living |
Standard definitions for terms used in recycling management. These terms and definitions are from the EPA report titled "Measuring Recycling: A Guide for State and Local Governments" (EPA530-R-97-011).
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery/Program Management, Communications and Analysis Office |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Sustainability & Green Living |
Commonly used environmental terms relevant to reuse and recycling.
Office of Land and Emergency Management |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Defines some of the most commonly used terms for waste and cleanup risk assessment programs
Region 8/Solid and Hazardous Waste Program |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance |
Common terms used to describe the EPA Region 8 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Program
Office of Land and Emergency Management |
Health & Safety, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
These words and phrases are scientific, medical, or environmental terms used in the Haz-Ed materials.
Office of Water/Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Glossary of terms used for the Underground Injection Control Program.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation |
Health & Safety, Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders |
Terms commonly used in the Superfund Reforms program.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance |
Defines terms common to the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) program.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders |
Glossary of terms and topics used frequently when dealing with RCRA state authorization.
Office of Land and Emergency Management |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Sustainability & Green Living |
Glossary of paper recycling terms
Region 10/Office of Compliance and Enforcement/Groundwater Unit |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Glossary supporting Region 10 Underground Storage Tank/Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Land Disposal Restrictions Program |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Policy & Guidance |
Terms applied in the Land Disposal Restrictions program
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Glossary of terms and acronyms associated with abandoned mine lands. The terms in this glossary should not be used for regulatory compliance purposes.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Policy & Guidance |
Terms used by the environmental insurance industry, transactional specialists, and other parties involved in using environmental insurance or risk management tools.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance |
Glossary of terms to provide guidance for corrective action for Superfund and RCRA Institutional Controls. This glossary can be found in the fact sheet "Institutional Controls: A Site Manager's Guide to Identifying, Evaluating and Selecting Institutional Controls at Superfund and RCRA Corrective Action Cleanups" (EPA 540-F-00-005)
Region 5/Office of the Regional Administrator |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Glossary of terms for the Lower Fox River and Green Bay Superfund site in Green Bay, WI.
Region 3/Land and Chemicals Division |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Policy & Guidance |
Terms and acronyms that support the RCRA Corrective Action Program which focuses on investigation and cleanup of facilities that manage hazardous waste.
Office of Water/Office of Wastewater Management |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Glossary contains terms commonly used in the wastewater treatment field.
Region 5/Office of the Regional Administrator |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Glossary of common words and abbreviations about the Kalamazoo River Superfund site in Allegan and Kalamazoo counties.
Region 5/Office of the Regional Administrator |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Water |
Terms used in the Underground Injection Control Program
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Definitions of terms related to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Site Progress
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Chemicals/Toxics/Pesticides, Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders |
A list of key terms relating to universal hazardous waste.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Enforcement & Compliance, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
A list of important concepts and definitions that relate to corrective action.
Office of Land and Emergency Management |
Health & Safety, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
List of acronyms related to the Superfund Program.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance |
Glossary of terms used in the RCRA Orientation Manual 2014
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Climate Change, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
A list of definitions for words and acronyms used in the Waste Reduction Model documentation.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Underground Storage Tanks |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Laws, Regs, & Executive Orders, Policy & Guidance, Water |
Glossary of technical terms derived from the evaluation of alternative cleanup technologies
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery |
Emergencies, Enforcement & Compliance, Information Management/Systems, Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Policy & Guidance |
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation |
Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
The Superfund Glossary contains common Superfund terms and acronyms and their definitions.
Office of Land and Emergency Management/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) |
Health & Safety, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Glossary of Hazard Ranking System Training Course.
Office of Research and Development |
Chemicals/Toxics/Pesticides, Ecosystems, Land, Waste, & Cleanup, Science & Research |
Definitions for terms referenced on the EPA-Expo-Box website. Definitions were obtained from multiple sources. Sources include the Exposure Factors Handbook: 2011 Edition and the 1992 Guidelines for Exposure Assessment, among others.
Office of Mission Support/Office of Information Management/Information Access and Analytic Services Division |
General Environmental, Information Management/Systems, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
Industry that is covered by or related to the content.
Office of Mission Support/Office of Information Management/Information Access and Analytic Services Division |
Air, Information Management/Systems, Land, Waste, & Cleanup |
"Extensible list of topics related to environmental media--air