
Information Resource Identifier
Information Resource Title
Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model - Greenhouse Gas Version
Information Resource Short Title
Short Description [Max 255 chars]
FASOM-GHG is a multi-period, intertemporal, price-endogenous, mathematical programming model simulating future potential policy impacts on land use, markets and GHG fluxes between and within the U.S. agricultural and forest sectors.
Description [Max 4000 chars]
FASOM-GHG is a dynamic, multi-period, intertemporal, price-endogenous, mathematical programming model depicting land transfers and other resource allocations between and within the agricultural and forest sectors in the US. The model solution portrays simultaneous market equilibrium over an extended time, typically 40 to 100 years on a five year time step basis. The results from FASOM-GHG yield a dynamic simulation of prices, production, management, consumption, GHG effects, and other environmental and economic indicators within these two sectors, under the chosen policy scenario. The model simulates the potential allocation of land over time to competing activities in both the forest and agricultural sectors. In doing this it simulates the potential consequences of different modeled policies for the commodity markets supplied by these lands and the net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The model was developed to evaluate the welfare and market impacts of public policies and environmental changes affecting agriculture and forestry. To date, FASOM-GHG and its predecessor models FASOM and ASM have been used to examine the effects of GHG mitigation policy, climate change impacts, public timber harvest policy, federal farm program policy, bioenergy prospects, and pulpwood production by agriculture among other policies and environmental changes.
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